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Just Clever Things


How much power does each appliances take

How much power does they take

Here is a list of products and how much power they take sort by Watts. The list is a guide and can bring you close to what size you need for your Power Station   If you want to calculate for yourself then check out my other post Click Here Product Min W Max W […]

Get power outdoors to your electric appliances

Learn more about convenient outdoor living

How to get power outdoors to your electric devices Ever felt the frustration of running low on battery power during a trip? I’ve been there, but guess what? I’ve stumbled upon a nifty solution that keeps my devices juiced up and ready for action wherever I go! So, my boat currently relies on two trusty […]

How to Claim your site using WordPress All in one SEO

How to Claim Your site using WordPress and All in one SEO When the site ask you to verify your website then you will get a string that looks like this Just copy the string and go to your site and -> Dashboard -> All in One SEO -> General Setting -> Webmaster Tools   […]

Claim site on Pinterest and other sites if you are using WordPress

Claim site on Pinterest and other sites if you are using WordPress Here is a clever tips for you Open Pinterest and choose Claim   Then open your site and go to your Dashboard -> All in One SEO -> General Setting -> Webmaster Tools   If you don’t have All in one SEO go […]
